
What a rollercoaster this year has been. Shout out to those that that thought this year would be ending on a different note. I miss reading, I miss writing, I miss the aesthetical camera roll<3 
          	Debating getting back into writing, considering finishing up some fanfics for the sake of having my own stories finished. I send my love to those who still come to read. I have no idea where you find me but I love you for taking your time to read something of mine. 
          	Down to the real question though, Do I focus on writing or focus on my real world? Obviously I could have a mixture of both but my brain and my heart are all over the place lately, so maybe when I can find some time to sit down and edit some stuff xx


What a rollercoaster this year has been. Shout out to those that that thought this year would be ending on a different note. I miss reading, I miss writing, I miss the aesthetical camera roll<3 
          Debating getting back into writing, considering finishing up some fanfics for the sake of having my own stories finished. I send my love to those who still come to read. I have no idea where you find me but I love you for taking your time to read something of mine. 
          Down to the real question though, Do I focus on writing or focus on my real world? Obviously I could have a mixture of both but my brain and my heart are all over the place lately, so maybe when I can find some time to sit down and edit some stuff xx


omg its been so long, im sorry to anyone if you have been waiting, I'm coming back I promise. I have class and work lately so I've been a bit too busy to ever get into a writing mood. I feel like ill continue adrians fanfic and make that dramione I've been planning. I would love to write an oc book, not related to fanfic world, based on a few life events.


Hi guys, quick reminder to those who dont know yet. Im currently having problems with word and will be looking at somewhere to store my books and chapters other than wattpad. Chapter 3 of theo shall be up within a few hours and I am hoping chapter 33 of adrians will be up by tomorrow. I apologise for slow updates. I have been busy and my other sister just gave birth so I visited her earlier. I hope everyone is well :)


Heya, Heya.
          Du kommst auf mein Profil? UND klickst auf den Folgebutton?!
          Danke, danke! *verbeug*
          Nimm dir doch gern' ein Buch, setz dich und bleib' so lange du möchtest!
          Ich zwinge niemanden, länger als nötig zu bleiben.
          *Hebt ein silbernes Zepter mit einer Gelb Goldenen Tomate oben drauf. Lässt es an deiner rechten Schulter zur linken wandern, dann kurz auf deinen Kopf*
          Nun bist du offiziel ein Part meiner Tomaten.
          Achtung, basik Frage: Wie kam es zu deinem Follow?
          Vielleicht hast du mal Lust, in eine Geschichte von mir rein zu stöbern?
          Wie dem auch sei.
          Viel Spaß und bleib gesund!
          XX Eddie