
this message may be offensive
          	That girl you just called fat? She's overdosing on diet pills. The pregnant girl you just called a slut? She was raped. The boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See the man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country. The guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. 
          	Let's together stop the bullying and hate


Thank you.


this message may be offensive
          That girl you just called fat? She's overdosing on diet pills. The pregnant girl you just called a slut? She was raped. The boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See the man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country. The guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. 
          Let's together stop the bullying and hate


Thank you.