Just reached 20,000 words on my book!!

Happy NaNoWriMo!

https://www.instagram.com/maximalisthobbyist/ This is where I post my progress on my writing, plus some things!

Hey guys! Sorry that I've been out for almost a year, but can I say that this has been one of the best years for me? Yes, I have been busy so I'm putting Varian and the 7 Kingdoms up for sale. If no one takes then the story won't continue, but there are A TON more of those types of stories. I won't be here a whole lot, only to look at different notes and stuff for The Pirates Throne I put in so long ago. I'm also done with my art account on Instagram. I'll hopefully have a more active hobby account with all sorts of stuff on there soon (even my face!). I'm sorry that I did not continue to edit but I assure you, I have grown as a writer and hopefully later this year I'll publish (or at least finish) my first book. Pray for me as God leads me through this journey! God Bless <3 (P.S. I can come back to messages, I won't be totally dark on here! :) )

@drina60steampunk I understand. Just do your best. I understand trying to find a balance and wanting to satisfy readers because I am on several social media platforms myself and do photography and painting on the side while I'm in college.

May the Fourth be with you!

Me: *sees old announcement of yours* HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)

"You're in a cage with the key in the lock and yet you refuse to turn it." -paraprased by idk lol Will you turn it?

@Cupcakegirlpower xD What I mean is, you're (meaning anybody) trapped in your lies/doubt/sin etc., but refuse to seek God because you like playing victim/staying in doubt/whatever. I was definitely like this this past year but totally broke down. My parents helped me get back to God.

@drina60steampunk depends on what's outside the cage, I guess. But probably eventually will regardless bc I'm claustrophobic. Probably not the answer you're looking for but lol

Half of tonight is just "Stop that!" "No!" "Why did you think that was smart?" "Really?" "Hey!" *sighs* Guess what my job is tonight

Y'all, I'll be posting the next chapter of V&t7Ks on Thursday. Tuesday is birfdae :>