AXEL WAS HANGING OUT in the hermes cabin, doing what he did best: wrecking havoc. he was covering the entire cabin in gummy bears. he knew that it was a mess, but he also knew that it would make his mom, uncle and dad very happy

@drknesshides ;; axel appeared in the middle of the doorway looking flushed. he was out of breath. he gave her a lopsided smile. “hey there,” he panted. “it’s no biggy. things are fine. just don’t go in there.”

( @wigglystick ) bentley rodriguez fierro chase was arm in arm with her brother quinton. she was smiling and waving as they passed people. when she reached the cabins, she could hear an unusual commotion coming from cabin 11. she popped her head inside and called, “heyo, is everything alright in here?”