Dear Stranger, Stumbled you have upon our humble story, and this bumbling fool is very glad you did. May this story give light to your path, like the shine of distant stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sincerely, ☔️greydaygirl☔️ (By which I mean thanks for checking out my story! ❤️ ) PS I feel you about the rebooting your love of writing. When I found wattpad I hadn’t written anything in years. It’s fun, huh?

Hey again! Haha yeah, there is fun in creating. I gotta say it’s been less fun recently because of deadlines and irl. But it’s still necessary! Thank you for sticking around!

@greydaygirl thank you for the sweet message! I've been reading your book over the last few days and have just finished the first part. Have to say - it's one of my favorites that I've read on here in a long while! And yes, there is a certain fun in learning how to create things again, isn't there?