
I reposted Agliophobia, taking my time with it. Hopefully it’s been this time around and makes more sense :)


Better, sorry


When I had Mae Showers up, I screwed my self over by being so excited that I didn’t thoroughly plan, and I just jumped in. I’ve been rewriting slowly, giving it a new name and more dynamic characters, but as I’m doing so I’m going back to the original and writing notes on what I’m doing. This part is funny to me. Not only do I have regular notes, but all caps notes that are basically me screaming at myself to make sure a certain part is in a certain place. I haven’t even started the first chapter yet, but I am so super excited to do so with a through plan and more knowledge of what I want to do, and I cannot wait to share it. It might not be until the end of summer, but soon you guys will be able to read it, and it’ll be perfect and ready for you. 
          Hiatuses are really important:)


Does anyone else have the fear that no one actually likes they’re writing when they publish something? And then barely anyone sees it and you try to rationalize saying, “everyone’s just busy,” but secretly you’re yelling at yourself because no one has seen it. Or is that just me?


@hyperfied I did not think writing was going to be this scary :)


@droplxts I also feel that way