
Hello my beautiful Jays, apologies for the dry spell regarding updates. If I'm being honest, I simply have not had the energy nor the motivation to work on the next chapter. I've gotten dragged into something like a fandom, though I doubt I will be able to share those works on this platform. So, consider this the start of my hiatus from wattpad. I am aware that, especially regarding timing in the book, this is  pretty poor timing , but i promise that I will continue to try and work through my writers block. Though for now, this is a see you later. Until next chapter Jays!! <333


Hello my beautiful Jays, apologies for the dry spell regarding updates. If I'm being honest, I simply have not had the energy nor the motivation to work on the next chapter. I've gotten dragged into something like a fandom, though I doubt I will be able to share those works on this platform. So, consider this the start of my hiatus from wattpad. I am aware that, especially regarding timing in the book, this is  pretty poor timing , but i promise that I will continue to try and work through my writers block. Though for now, this is a see you later. Until next chapter Jays!! <333