
hey guys!
          	sorry for the lack of inactivity once again. uni has been hammering me with assignments lately and i've also gone back to work after a few months on furlough which has left me with little time for my hobbies. i will try my best to update 'tiny dancer' as soon as i can.
          	much love,
          	anna x


@drowseroger Hiyaaaaaaaaa. I'm thinking of reading Tiny Dancer because you're an amazing writer, but I wanna know the plot twist. Can I? :")


Very much looking forward! I already love the story :)


anna, i love your writing. i'm still in my queen phase rn and i'm not even ashamed- the thing i ashamed of is WHY DIDN'T I FIND YOUR STORY SOONER :(( bc "Roommate", the one I'm currently reading, IS PROBS ONE OF THE BEST FANFIC I'VE EVER READ. i'm not even kidding. oh but enough of my dramatic speech. i just wanna say thanks, A LOT. as someone who treasure beautiful writing, i'm very glad i found your story even tho maybe it's kinda late. i hope you keep writing and willing to share some other life-changing stories with us in the future. ILYSM ANNA, hope you're doing well <3 


hey guys!
          sorry for the lack of inactivity once again. uni has been hammering me with assignments lately and i've also gone back to work after a few months on furlough which has left me with little time for my hobbies. i will try my best to update 'tiny dancer' as soon as i can.
          much love,
          anna x


@drowseroger Hiyaaaaaaaaa. I'm thinking of reading Tiny Dancer because you're an amazing writer, but I wanna know the plot twist. Can I? :")


Very much looking forward! I already love the story :)


hey guys! thank you for the responses on my earlier announcement, i appreciate it. i’m very happy to let you know that after over a year i’ve uploaded a new chapter of ‘tiny dancer’! please check it out and let me know what you think.
          much love,
          anna x


@drowseroger you're finally back, yay!!


@drowseroger would you make the sequel for roommate 


hey everyone!
          happy new year and much love to you all during these crazy times, i hope you're taking care of yourselves and staying safe. i can't believe how long it's been since i was last active on this account, the last time i published something the world was quite different from what it is now. i'm ashamed to admit that what with everything that's going on plus work, uni and my own mental health, 2020 left me with no motivation or energy to write. however, as the new year unfolds, i want to change that.
          because it's been such a long time since i last posted anything i'm not sure how many people will see this or even be interested, but for you guys and my own mental wellbeing, i want to start writing again and continue where i left off with 'tiny dancer'.  i feel like i need to focus my mind on something positive right now and writing is something that's always brought me joy and allowed me to forget about everyday life, even for just a moment. i'm not going to let covid affect my hobbies and things i enjoy.
          please let me know if you're still active and would be interested, there's not much point in continuing if no one is around to read it lol. also my inbox is always open so feel free to message me if you have any questions or just want someone to talk to ♥️
          here's hoping this year will be a better one.
          take care,
          anna x


I absolutely LOVED ‘Roommates’, it’s still in my top 3 of all the RT stories of all times. I will read absolutely anything that you write so, yes, please continue if you can!
            Take care of yourself, COVID is still an absolute shitshow but I hope the writing will help you a bit :)


@drowseroger  oh my god yes, I love your writing so much