A tall brunette girl wearing white roller skates with roses on them skated towards the male and said with her pointed red sunglasses on top of her brown hair as she said “Hey!— watch out!—“ the female couldn’t stop in time so she accidentally bumped into the male falling bringing him down as well
Sorry this is long and shitty—//
"Well everyone's sorta violent," Kevin told her, trying to justify his sister's actions. "Just kinda happens when you're 'round mean folk."
“Yea she’s small but I saw the girl pick up a pipe I told her to use that if anyone fucks with her—it works along with pepper spray” she said clicking her tongue doing finger guns
Kevin shook his head. "Nah. My mom wouldn't like strangers lookin' over Karen 'n' stuff. She's small, she's so small. Ain't able to help herself."