
Another chapter of Evolution prescribed is up now!


For those who haven't noticed, I'm back and in a big way! Four new chapters of Evolution Prescribed in the past couple of weeks! Its still the first draft, but I plan on posting chapters with real regularity now. I really need feedback and support though, so please, read, share, and comment on the story!


Awesome I’m loving it. 


@HazelYoungPrior you're my hero moonmoon


Hey guys! To those of you who are actually reading The Forgotten Heroes, who do you want to hear about next? The Argonian Champion of the Daedra, the Redguard Treasure Hunter, or the Orcish Warlord? Please let me know because I really can't decide! Also, be sure to check out Thief, the newest story in the series! I'm also thinking about writing an actual long story involving all the characters and describing the events after these short stories.