"I just need daily reminders That every single moment will be alright And that my future is in your full secure No matter any failures or regrets maturing Through the sunsets and storms upon me..." -Sunsets & Storms, The Poem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's funny how I wrote this poem back in 2019, because it still describes how I feel today. Somewhat confused, somewhat doubtful, and somewhat broken... Then I was surprised to hear...MY DREAM COLLEGE ACCEPTED ME!!! So now, tomorrow is not just another day to live. Tomorrow is a step closer to my dream - my real dream!! Not this dream I am living now... (unfortunely.) Alright, so now we have the exciting news down! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is also another concept I've tried to come up with, as a writer, to help teach others how to write better. It's where, when you write, your trying to make your words and your story sound interesting, and not make it seem so dull. Plus, it may help your story flow. All I can show you is...it looks like this... ~90% complex words, descriptions, & phrases ~10% elementary words, descriptions, & phrases Kind of looks like math. I apologize for that. I'll post an example of this concept I made later on! I hope you are all having a wonderful day!! Take care and God bless!♡

@aloneful Thank u so much!!!♡ I've been having internet issues too, so I completely understand! I'm mostly trying this concept out to teach others how to write better, especially since I am teaching a small group of people how to write, and the majority of the time, I say, "I don't know how to explain this, but this is how I write..." So, hopefully it works!! :)

@dsbourii BSJSNSKS I RECEIVED THIS ANNOUNCEMENT LATE OH MY GOD I'M SORRY SNKSNSKSNSKSNSKSNK CURSE MY INTERNET anyway, congratulations on getting in!!! i'm both really proud and overjoyed as a fan and friend! all the best of luck of studying there >< and omg?? i didn't think the day i'm excited as ever for the new concept!!! can't wait <3