
   /     cb    &    specify    !  
          	•     i bet on losing dogs   :   angst  .   shoto gets injured in a battle and your muse can't save her  .  
          	•  two slow dancers   :   fluff  .    shoto and your muse are at a gala for the pro heroes  &  their successors   /   children so you get to have a dance with her  .  


/ fluff please ehe


          	  Omg -
          	  Angst plz owo? 


" thank you shoto . remember to stay safe ,, do not listen to / him / and smile . " momo mumbled under her breathe ,, the pen in her hand falling atop of the paper after a few seconds . god this is annoying ... why ? why is she doing this ? yes ,, being famous is hard .. it's all hard ,, but .. did she really want to leave ?


   /     cb    &    specify    !  
          •     i bet on losing dogs   :   angst  .   shoto gets injured in a battle and your muse can't save her  .  
          •  two slow dancers   :   fluff  .    shoto and your muse are at a gala for the pro heroes  &  their successors   /   children so you get to have a dance with her  .  


/ fluff please ehe


            Omg -
            Angst plz owo? 


—    &&    .   .    .    @cuml0rd    !  
              the small blond squirmed   ,    his hands fumbling with the fabric of dabi's shirt as he let out a whine    -    a louder one escaping once his alpha has bit at his neck   . 
                the potent smell of caramel filled the room     ,    his wings puffing up    . 
               "     hah    ...   a   -   alpha   ...   i  -  i want you to   ..   b   -   breed me  ~    p   -  please   !   i'll mm  ..   be a g   -  good boy   !   "   
              nuzzling into the other's chest  ,   he took in dabi's strong scent of burning embers and alcohol    ,     his eyes lulling back at the smell    -   hips bucking in dabi's lap   -   the small avian getting impatient with his heat   .