/ cb and drop! will try to send things out during my lunch period during classes today.
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/ cb and drop! will try to send things out during my lunch period during classes today.
/ cb and drop! will try to send things out during my lunch period during classes today.
/ will get to things soon, i promise.. but if anyone would like my discord, please let me know. i am way more active there, and we can plot, as well as just talk if you’d like.
@dualquirked / don't worry about it, take your time! I've already sent you the request <3
/ @ircnmade | sure sure!! my tag is jewelianna.carly <3 i promise i’ll get to everything i owe you as well eventually.. </3
/ cb for spam, spec as many accounts as you’d like to, but do not spec for a number of drops over ten! if nothing is specified, three will be dropped. will get to replies soon, theatre auditions have been keeping me busy.
" you're ... a child ? yet you help those in need . i commend your spirit . and your abilities , are you certain you don't have a godly parent ? "
/ @goddessofrot — “Some people just need to find such qualities in themselves, although.. for most, it’s hard to find.” Shoto shrugged a shoulder. At the question, he blinked in slight surprise. “Huh? I’d.. consider it, maybe. I’ve never had such an offer given to me before,” he admitted, slightly sheepish. He shook his head, in an attempt at trying to mask his surprise.
[ @dualquirked ] " that's a level of maturity and selflessness most grown men and woman don't have . hmm . perhaps when you become of age , and gain more experience , you'd be interested in joining my royal guard ? " the demigoddess hummed , musing over his words . were the mortals of this world really this powerful without divine intervention ?
/ @goddessofrot — “I.. suppose, yes. I’ve always wanted to help people. Just because I’m not an adult yet doesn’t mean I won’t try,” Shoto shook his head. “Godly parent? No. My parents are Enji Todoroki and Rei Todoroki. They’re certainly no gods, I can assure you.”
/ cb and / or drop. will get to things this time..
@dualquirked /; gimme and on @shadybugs- and on @@blackmagicquirk and on @@heroiconeforall
/ cb & opt spec and / or drop. will get to things whenever.
/ i am so tired, but pls cb & drop things.. playing a gacha game rn so replies will be slow!!
"Shouto , can I tell you something?" She spoke nervously
/ @ladybugs-- — “what..? but if she’s an alternate universe, why is she here?” his confusion was obvious, his eyes widening slightly.
@dualquirked " I have an evil alternative unverise self I ran into her today shoto."
/ cb & drop things! going out in a bit, so replies will be slow.
/ cb & opt spec and / or drop. currently playing gacha games, so replies will be kind of slow (i have an obsession..)
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