Hey peeps,
I'm taking a break a big one, My mum's boyfriend's dog is missing and he's blaming my mum and broke my phone(it won't turn on) there is a lot more but I hope you understand. I have to look after my brother.
Hey peeps,
I'm taking a break a big one, My mum's boyfriend's dog is missing and he's blaming my mum and broke my phone(it won't turn on) there is a lot more but I hope you understand. I have to look after my brother.
Hey peeps,
I'm sorry for not being active I just have been though somethings so sorry. I'll post when I can I'll be off without wifi for a while so I can't do much I've almost used all of my data.
My BFF of 3 years doesn't want to be my friend anymore, im crying . I'm going on a break I hope you understand. There is more going on like dance netball and swimming plus the bullying I face with and school. I hope you understand
@dudrvhg It sucks feeling like this, i understand how it feels but stay strong. Those bullies are clearly blind. You got this, take it one step at a time ❤
@dudrvhg hey its going to be ok. I've been there man, it sucks. Just know you're better than them and you are so strong we are so proud of you and don't worry I understand take it easy mate ❤
Hey peeps,
I first want to say thank you for your patience, I'm so sorry it's taking so long. My mental health is not the best as I have anxiety and ADHD and a few other things I'm not even 24 hours clean on SH and it's just been so hard but thank you so much. I'm doing my best to get the next chapter done but I just been feeling pressured as I have some assignments to do plus my dance concert is right around the corner. All and all I hope the next update will be out sooner rather than later but again thank you and I'm so sorry for the inconvenience this caused you.
@dudrvhg Don't apologise for anything, you did nothing wrong. I know how hard things can get from time to time and trust me im not clean either, you're not alone and there is help everywhere. I'm so so proud of you and I know you will achieve such great things you are literally amazing just like your story and I'm one hundred percent sure just like your dancing aswel. Take your time, we'll be right here :))(
@dudrvhg take your time, I'm sure it'll come out great. And please take care of yourself first, ik how stressful school can be and good luck at your dance concert! :)