
Hi guys, in sure your all aware of the current situation. I think for me its best if I stop writing little Wyatt, as it hurts a lot to think about what's happened. If you'd like me to continue, I will consider trying to change the storyline so that it's like they all live together but are seperate. If not, I'm writing a Max and Harvey story but I might publish it on my other account. I'm also considering still going ahead with the sequel to after the show as it was going to be set after they'd split anyways, but I don't know of that's something you'd want to see. Let me know your opinion, and I'll see you soon x


@duff_wyatt_jacklyn feel free to read my new book it's a Glee Fanfiction x


Hi guys, in sure your all aware of the current situation. I think for me its best if I stop writing little Wyatt, as it hurts a lot to think about what's happened. If you'd like me to continue, I will consider trying to change the storyline so that it's like they all live together but are seperate. If not, I'm writing a Max and Harvey story but I might publish it on my other account. I'm also considering still going ahead with the sequel to after the show as it was going to be set after they'd split anyways, but I don't know of that's something you'd want to see. Let me know your opinion, and I'll see you soon x


@duff_wyatt_jacklyn feel free to read my new book it's a Glee Fanfiction x


Hi guys, so as you know I’ve currently got two stories in the works and I’m struggling for updates and stuff......but all English schools are closed come Friday so I’ll have quite a bit of spare time to write some more, and more often aswell so hopefully they’ll be more updates soon. Thanks for sticking with me and my crappy updates and timings, hope everyone’s alright with everything going on and in always here even if you just want a friendly conversation xxxx


Thanks for all the chapters you voted for on my story, Him | Brooklyn Wyatt. I really appreciate it and I hope you're enjoying the book Xx


No problem, it’s a really good book and I’m loving the storyline x❤️