Heeyy wassup *-*
Since u r a big fan of roadtrip
What's up with sonny and rye? I went offline for a few days then omg i saw the post they posted and I'm hella confused help me please
Idk about you but am i the only one who's like.. pissed off at andy? Like he is defending rye and standing up for him when rye was literally on wrong? And never stood up for Brooklyn when the whole fandom was against him bc of some old Facebook posts that he posted 4-5 years ago? Some of you might say this is ryes sense of humour but couldn't he just keep him mouth shut or just say it to sonny offline because he is going to make a big drama out of nothing? He is just extra this time and andy is getting on my nerves.
What if we see it from a different point of view
Look rye seems to like sonny and they are kinda friends right plus rye has his sense of humour and you know when you are with your friends you sometimes say things that you regret after saying it you know what i mean? It's like saying something without thinking about it before saying it
I'm not with rye but that just happens to me a lot so maybe that what happened with him