Hi everyone!
It's been a while, and while I'm not usually active, I thought I'd just spend a minute to ask how everyone is doing in this quarantine.
How are you doing really?
For some of us, this feels like an extended holiday, for some a break and for some a crucial desperate time. Nevertheless, we mustn't forget to acknowledge that this is a war and we as citizens have to play our part. I dedicate this post to all the doctors, nurses, private consultants, hospital staff, cleaning staff, non-profits, police force, government staff, scientists and all the others who are trying their best in this time. Keeping countries locked down isn't easy, nor is it fruitful. Having to choose between the survival of one patient over the other while having not a second to spare about your own isn't "nature's beauty".
I am open and welcome all conversations, thoughts, debates, questions and fun chats with all of you during this time - ping my inbox anytime :)
Stay safe, hopeful and quarantined.