


“w-wait i minute… t-this c-cant be…” *i fall to my knees, looking at my trembling hands as i look back up at my friends who were as confused as i initially was then i look back at my hands again as a tear drops onto my left hand and i try to speak but my trembling voice made it impossible to speak* “I-I..” *before i could finish my sentence my mom bursts through the door and she force feeds me my medication and makes me drink water, and suddenly my friends dissapear which leaves me in horror and shock* “g-guys?..” *I desperately search around my room as my mom stands by my door in regret “im sorry, its the only way you wont end up hurting yourself..” *She exits the room, leaving the remaining glass of water onto the table as i start rambling about the ‘12 year long relationship’ that we had, which made more and more tears roll down my face, eventually my clothes was covered in tears as i wiped the tears with it* “i-ill miss you guys..” *I look up into the sky, hoping they are looking back at me, even though they are not real as a tear rolls down my cheek again, then going to lay down on my bed to have a goodnights rest, hoping to forgot everything that just happened*