Well, well, well. Seven years on Wattpad. I’m pretty sure I’ve been inactive for at least four of those. But guess what. I’m back, and better than ever!
Now that most of my busy-work college courses are out of the way, I’ve been able to make time for more writing. Mostly short stories, easier, smaller, self-contained bits; I still won’t have much time to be working on chapter after chaoter of a full-length novel quite yet. Not properly, anyways, with the attention it deserves.
So, what does this mean? This means pretty regular posting, at LEAST monthly, if not multiple times a month. And this means nice, polished short stories every now and then - still in the Fantasy genre, of course. Because, y’know, what else do I do?
This also means that I’ve *gasp* made a Patreon. If you can’t afford to (or simply don’t want to, that’s cool, too) be a patron there, that’s fine! Don’t worry. Patreon only has early access, and a couple (two) exclusive prompt responses. Everything else just gets posted a week or two later here; and on Tablo and my writing Tumblr! (Both of those are linked in my About Me.) So, you won’t really be missing out on everything. I know the "I can’t afford to support them, but I love their content so much" life all too well. On the flip side, if you can afford to AND want to see me write MORE? I highly encourage it, as getting paid means I’ll be able to devote even more time to do more and better writing.
All in all, I’m extremely happy to be back and getting my writing out here. This platform has been one I’ve used since Day One (seven years ago... good god I’m so sorry to everyone who’s been here the whole time and seen the early writing... I swear I’m better now), and by god, I’m gonna keep using it.
To any of my followers that are still active, it’s great to be back and I can’t wait to start sharing with ya’ll again!!
(To all my inactive followers, well... thanks for inflating the numbers and therefor my ego. ;)