
The third and final short promotional piece for my re-launch has been posted! It's a fun and wholesome little prompt response for a character I had to follow and develop for my writing class last semester, Isabel. While this is the last SHORT post for this little event, I am also posting a short story tomorrow afternoon, titled "Guardian Angel," so be on the lookout!  
          	It's wonderful to be back, and I can't wait to really get back into the swing of things. Please keep in mind that while these posts have all been shared at the same time as the ones on my Patreon account, this won't be the case in the future! Public posts (not exclusive to my patrons) will be posted a week or two after they are shared with patrons over there. So, if you want stories (and a couple Patreon-exclusive prompt responses a month!) sooner, I encourage you to check out the linked site on my main page and becoming a patron!


The third and final short promotional piece for my re-launch has been posted! It's a fun and wholesome little prompt response for a character I had to follow and develop for my writing class last semester, Isabel. While this is the last SHORT post for this little event, I am also posting a short story tomorrow afternoon, titled "Guardian Angel," so be on the lookout!  
          It's wonderful to be back, and I can't wait to really get back into the swing of things. Please keep in mind that while these posts have all been shared at the same time as the ones on my Patreon account, this won't be the case in the future! Public posts (not exclusive to my patrons) will be posted a week or two after they are shared with patrons over there. So, if you want stories (and a couple Patreon-exclusive prompt responses a month!) sooner, I encourage you to check out the linked site on my main page and becoming a patron!


Well, well, well. Seven years on Wattpad. I’m pretty sure I’ve been inactive for at least four of those. But guess what. I’m back, and better than ever! 
          Now that most of my busy-work college courses are out of the way, I’ve been able to make time for more writing. Mostly short stories, easier, smaller, self-contained bits; I still won’t have much time to be working on chapter after chaoter of a full-length novel quite yet. Not properly, anyways, with the attention it deserves. 
          So, what does this mean? This means pretty regular posting, at LEAST monthly, if not multiple times a month. And this means nice, polished short stories every now and then - still in the Fantasy genre, of course. Because, y’know, what else do I do? 
          This also means that I’ve *gasp* made a Patreon. If you can’t afford to (or simply don’t want to, that’s cool, too) be a patron there, that’s fine! Don’t worry. Patreon only has early access, and a couple (two) exclusive prompt responses. Everything else just gets posted a week or two later here; and on Tablo and my writing Tumblr! (Both of those are linked in my About Me.) So, you won’t really be missing out on everything. I know the "I can’t afford to support them, but I love their content so much" life all too well. On the flip side, if you can afford to AND want to see me write MORE? I highly encourage it, as getting paid means I’ll be able to devote even more time to do more and better writing. 
          All in all, I’m extremely happy to be back and getting my writing out here. This platform has been one I’ve used since Day One (seven years ago... good god I’m so sorry to everyone who’s been here the whole time and seen the early writing... I swear I’m better now), and by god, I’m gonna keep using it. 
          To any of my followers that are still active, it’s great to be back and I can’t wait to start sharing with ya’ll again!! 
          (To all my inactive followers, well... thanks for inflating the numbers and therefor my ego. ;)


Hey Dusty, me again. It's certainly been a long year, I even managed to change my awful username. Hope college is going well, what are you studying? Knew you liked the last messahe so I thought I'd keep the yearly messages coming. I enjoy the poetry though im pretty sure as an student studying engineering I'm missing most of the between-the-lines stuff. 
          Good luck with next year.


Hey dusty. Still looking forward to the new chapter but if you have given up I understand. The first series was amazing and i was looking forward to the new and improved version but I also understand that we go through shifts in focus so good luck with whatever you're doing now.


@dusty03 Thats no problem and I fully understand. I have another account for writing on here and was halfway through writing an important chapter then exams then I forgot-ish about the story and never really got back into it. Luckily I didn't have as many fans as you do but I got a similar message to me as the one I wrote. I don't  mind waiting, loads of authors do that to me *cough* George R R Martin *cough*, but dont forget about us.


I had no idea this would end up so long.


@JaPhBi Welp, time for Honesty Hour. I actually completely forgot about Wattpad (it even took a few tries to log in) so the email I got from your message actually really surprised me. And was kind of... one of the most amazing things I've woken up to in a long time? I never would have thought in a hundred years that anyone would actually think to check in on what I'm doing, especially as far as my writing. So, I'm really bad at this, but thank you so much for that. 
            As far as Half-Blooded... I didn't realize how suddenly I'd actually abandoned it (I guess I kept telling myself I'd get back to it until I forgot...). I *do* know that I told myself I'd write again when I had more time. Technically, right now, I do have more time to write. And I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about these characters and their stories  - a lot - in the last two months alone. 
            I haven't looked at what I have written, and especially not where I left off of any notes I had, since... well, end of last year. And with my first semester of college about to start, with an uncertain workload, I won't try to offer any half-baked promises. The last thing I want to do is start something again only to drop it before it's done, but believe me when I say I haven't forgotten these books.
            Whenever I do get back to them with anything solid, this will more than likely be the first place I post them. Until then... Wow, I haven't written in ages, I really need to practice. Thank you again so much for this message for... well, a lot of reasons.


(in addition to the news below)
          I realized I didn't put any thought to what I was going to do about the short stories in Glimpse. Aaaand I still don't know what I'm going to do. They *will* be taken down, that's for sure, but I'm not sure I'll rewrite them. They'll definitely go to the back burner, and while I may not rewrite what you all have already seen, I know I'll still occasionally do little snippets like those. Most of them spawn from free-writing I do to get in a character mind-set, so they'll *definitely* return.


this message may be offensive
Splendid News:
          In one month, all five Guardian Series books will be removed from my page. No, they're not getting published, and to be honest, I'm rather glad. I'm actually in the middle of working on rewriting them, starting all the way at the beginning, so that I can get it right this time. Of course, that one month marker where I pull down the books is also the same marker for when I'll post the first part of a rewritten Half-Blooded! 
          Unfortunately, with school and other unpleasant responsibilities, I won't get nearly as much writing done as I like, so that means a slow upload schedule. I'll do my best to keep it close to one chapter every two weeks, but I make no promises. I have no idea what kinds of things I'll have on my plate by then, so it might be a couple days late every now and then. I might also get a bunch of time on my hands and upload some stuff early occassionally. It's gonna be a fairly loose schedule that I'll try to stick to. 
          A special thank you to all of you who've waited so patiently for me to get my shit together (and to GG and Laurel for letting me rant about plans and ideas to them. You're true bros, guys). I can't wait to start spinning this story once more for you all. 
          I feel I should clarify that by "one month" I don't mean Novemeber 16. I'll try to keep updates to Saturdays, so that "one month" really will end on November 21st. 


@gogeckos1123 After hours of staring at it, I'm starting to think that the sentence which DID contain "I" was referring to the sentence before, which did NOT contain "I". Which means it does not have an "I" in it ^^ (yes I went through all the trouble of thinking that out just so I wouldn't have to change it... Kind of sad...)