“And what is the pleasure of having you here, my dear friend?”

@dutysworn “We shall then.” Alora would casually grab the others hand as she lead her to her room, where she will be staying for the majority of the night. When she opened the big wooded doors, she first saw her two children with the nanny. Alora would dismiss the woman, and look to Serefia.

@ofdamsels ⁝ ** serafia’ smile would falter only for a moment at the others bleak response but it would return just as quickly. silent for a moment before straightening up and bowing her head. ❝ of course, but I am ready to go when you are. ❞

@dutysworn Alora noticed the smile on her face, which she’d return. It was nice to have someone that actually didn’t mind being around the children. They were small, and a handful. She also didn’t mind help. “Thank you.” Is all she managed to say.