
it’s hot as balls


hey soooo i suck so bad. i just revisited wattpad (years later) and some of y’all may not even care but i’m gonna finish the tony fic. i had a bunch of chapters in drafts so i posted them all. working on conclusion


@JEDB19 SOOON like really soon. i’m gonna post the first two chapters at once. 


@JEDB19 i have 10 drafts right now, i plan to continue ittttt (: i wanna post soon actually


i feel crappy for not updating beautiful apparition but its so weird like i went to go look at my other chapters and everything is gone, all my drafts are blank and its been awhile since i updated and i havent written the plot anywhere and if i continue writing a huge chunk will be missing, i'm a terrible author hahaha, so im trying to figure out what to do..... any suggestions? just continue writing?