
Hey it's been along long time since we've heard from you, firstly how did recovery go hope you are well, an second June has disappeared??? Are you planning on continuing June or reposting it, would love to hear back!!! xxx


I really miss June…


@KimberleyJade2 Oh my gosh I really hope you’re OK. I’ll post a chapter tonight ♥️


Ohhh thank you perfect timing I’m in hospital for 4 days ❤️❤️❤️


@KimberleyJade2 Dropping some chapters in a few hours! Hiatus is over!


@dvlxwmn I thought I'd just check in see how your health is holding up, it's been a long while since we've heard from you and hope your have made a full recovery. Still holding out for your super awesome story, hope you have been able to work on it. Anyway loved to hear back from you and that your doing well!! Best luck xxx


@dvlxwmn I am so glade to her you are improving as is your health, I cannot imagine how difficult this experience has been on you or your life as a hole. I hope you continue to feel better each day and your health continues to improve. I love the story or June and I'm excited to hear you have been able to continue her story even through your ordeal, you should be proud of yourself for that and how much effort you are putting in for yourself. Bests of luck and I will continue to look out of more your story as you progress!!!! xxx


@Alysia555 You are too kind, I'm going through Physical Therapy 3x a week and lots of doctors stuff but I am working hard to feel better. But guess what- I AM DROPPING SOME CHAPTERS TONIGHT <3


It’s been a while, just checking up if you are ok. Xoxo


Hello! I’ve had a TON of medical stuff going on. I’m writing a bunch and hoping to drop some to make up for my leave. It’s just hard cuz the medicine I’m on makes my brain foggy. You’re super sweet for checking on me ♥️