
Thank you so much for 100 followers! It seemed like only yesterday when my past self decided to check out this website. And now we're at 100! It has been an amazing journey filled with some of the best books I've ever read. 
          	Hoping to read more books


Thank you so much for 100 followers! It seemed like only yesterday when my past self decided to check out this website. And now we're at 100! It has been an amazing journey filled with some of the best books I've ever read. 
          Hoping to read more books


‘Keep Going’ 
          Whatever you do, keep moving forward. Keep trusting that you will get there if you just keep putting one foot in the front of the other... Keep moving forward because you’re worth it, my beautiful friend. It might take longer than you thought it would, it might be harder than you expected, but don’t let those things keep stop you. Keep going anyways. Keep trying anyways. Keep showing up... Because if you just keep putting one foot forward, you will get there. 
          —Nikki Banas | Walk the Earth 
          I love you, 
          Phxntom-Spider ✨