Hola! Mind to read my Hendall fanfic? Its about 1D and Zayn also. Ok, check my profile yap! Thankyou, and vomments! Hope u like it.
Oke pokoknya jangan lupa vommenys yoaa ><
[Bahasa Indonesia]
@NaokiChan5 greget bikin ngakak emosi tekanan jiwa,,, ini gue mau baca FF rekomen post di profile eon hehhehe,,, pasion bua nulis hilang haraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... koyok opo???
hi dwishawol mind to read my Harry fanfic? It's called 'Two Of Us'. Here's the link http://w.tt/1KJPNiR and please leave ur lovely feedbacks if you liked it.
thank you.