
hey guys!
          	so I did write chapter 10 of Our Little Secret a while a go, but my phone deleted it.
          	I have started to write it again, and its currently half written.
          	It should be up soon, I plan to complete it around the weekend.
          	Thanks you guys for all being patient, I'll post a message when its uploaded!


hey guys!
          so I did write chapter 10 of Our Little Secret a while a go, but my phone deleted it.
          I have started to write it again, and its currently half written.
          It should be up soon, I plan to complete it around the weekend.
          Thanks you guys for all being patient, I'll post a message when its uploaded!


okayyy, chapter 8 of Our Little Secret is up now as well.I thought I had to start a whole chapter, but it turns out I just had to finish one haha.so, please go and read it, vote and comment.but mostly enjoy it and let me know what you think! xx


Chapter 2 of Life After Death has FINALLY been updated!I'm so so so sorry for the wait!I'm gonna start working on another chapter of Our Little Secret and that should be up by tomorrow night at the latest!please read, vote and comment!thankyouuuuu


So i deleted all my old stories simply because i looked back on them and didnt really like them.
          I've made a new one, Called :
          Our Little Secret//5sos fanfiction//
          Please read it, comment what you think.I like to get feedback so yeah.Please let me know.x