
I’m sorry it’s been so long! I’m SUPER busy with college and work. BUT I’m trying my best to continue writing! I am trying my best to write a lot at once so y’all aren’t waiting for updates most of the time. 


Hy,  I know that you might be busy with your work and I don't want to like force you to update.  So I just want to tell you to take your time and write the sequel cuz I know it's worth the wait. And please let me know when you're done.  ❤. And I really really really love the book and i want Kieth and Carter to be together (just a request ).


Hey. Are u going to write the sequal.? I really wanna know what happens to Keith and Carter. Are they together?  Does Keith chickens out hearing the news of her pregnancy or he still loves her and wants to be together?  Please please please please write the next book please.......