
Hello to all of my sweet, sweet lil Dyspettes!
          	Hope everyone is well after that last chapter. I have been bombarded with kind messages and edits on tiktok and oh my gosh am I overwhelmed (in the best way)
          	First of all, I just wanted to apologize for breaking your lil hearts. I promise there was so much meaning and thought that went into that decision! Just hang in there♥️
          	Second, a lot of you have been asking my permission to create inspired sequels to my work or 'fix-it' stories to change my ending. Please, please do not do this. And if you see any posted, let me know. As I said, there was a reason why I ended my story this way and you'll see why eventually. I want my works to hold true and end as I want them to. I hope that doesn't sound selfish, but I want to keep this boundary in place.
          	On a brighter, smuttier note, I hope to get out some more one shots very soon!
          	Love you all! Keep wearing those masks and get boosted!!!


@dyspneagrime are you going to  ever write another book? [not being rude just a honest question]


@dyspneagrime  You are such an amazing write and I have all the feels! More please!


@dyspneagrime Plz Im begging, LW was well, however, stuff like this makes me feel so real, and it made me feel like sick, like I was her. Please I need more.


          I'm pretty sure you won't read this but I thought I would try anyways.
          First of all: You are a very very omg so so talented writer. Like for real. You have so much talent and your writing is so good, so realistic. It just seems not staged, I don't know how I should explain it better. 
          But just saying: I truly respect you.
          Secondly: Are you okay? I started readind the Bucky stuff and saw that that was 3 years ago. I mean you don't know me or anything buttt...are you okay? Need someone to talk?
          And I am not just saying that because I am DIYNG for a new chapter, which I definitly am. 
          I hope you are doing well and know that you are loved and missed ❤️


just finished little wing for the billionth time, absolutely sobbing again


I sob every chapter before I've memorised it and I know what's coming 


@naynayriveraa PLEASE NO I'M DOING THAT RN I'm begging her to just add an epilogue where dove ends up with bucky I cant