
anyone who follows me a warriors fan? cause a friend of mine would appreciate if you read their warriors story. they need help gaining reads to make their story more noticed.


k i doubt anyone is even gonna read this, but for the very few people who were reading my stories, i'm sorry. they're probably not going to be continued and i don't have the heart to delete them. so yea. maybe one day they'll be continued? maybe? probably not.


mhm so yea i haven’t updated in a while. sry to anybody who may have actually been reading my book(s). i just took a long break from wattpad. like a four-five month break. so yea. idk if i’ll ever continue my stories, unfortunately. i had such great ideas but it just wasn’t working out. who knows maybe i’ll get inspiration eventually. but right now, i’m actually working on a book with my cousin on word. so yeah. sorry again to whoever may be reading this (which could be no one) but oh well. k bye


I assume I know you? It's Heidi Ellison.


@Lady_Laufeyson1313 nah i am Grandma Billlyyyy


Okay, who is it? Bob, Stuart?