Can you hear the sound of my heartbeat? It pounds rapidly inside my chest, even though it definetly seems like it is about to pop out of it. I look deeply inside your eyes, reaching for your soul. Only to remind myself you don't possess one around me anymore. What was once revealed with pure light and lust, is now filled with never ending darkness. And to this day, while I stare at your blank canvice, I wonder where did our built in universes went? As my heart rate increases every second, all the words I intended to declare now are presumed into slight gags. Your presence now consumes me, demonizing and shivering every bit of my body. We used to be completed by each other, and now I struggle to be able to colect all of my missing pieces. Some of them I know will be glued to you forever, and I will never be able to retrieve them. And as my pulse decreases, I let see through the cloudy athmosphere that my puzzle will never be complete.