
this message may be offensive
Hi, my name is Annabelle. 
          Once you have started reading this u can't stop. 
          If you do you will have bad luck for a whole year 
          As I was saying my Annabelle and I'm 4 years old and i I'm a doll 
          If you don't send this letter to 15 people, I'll come into ur house at 3AM and I'll stare at u while u sleep and kill if u wake up 
          Don't believe me? 
          1. Lily Johnson got this chain too and she only sent it to 5 people, not good lily. So at 3AM I was in her room and I killed her at 3:30AM ha ha Lily don't mess with Annabelle 
          2. Jason Spencer got this chain too and he only sent it to 7 people, not good enough Jason , so at 3AM I was in his wardrobe and I scared him to death when he woke up to get dressed ha ha Jason don't EVER mess with Annabelle
          3. Lizzie Clandon got this chain too and she only sent it to 10 people, not good at all. So at 3AM I went into her room and touched her feet while she was sleeping and rushed into her parents room saying that she had a bad dream so her Dad slept it her room and the next day she didn't see her Dad in his bed all she could see is blood, Lizzie screamed and passed out and those two where never to be seen again... they say that Lizzie and her dad are ghost and there looking for little children to kill so be careful... 
          4. Wendy Kieth did the right she sent it to 20 people and she got something that she really wanted, a baby Sister called Lucy. 
          So they are the 4 cases and remember. 
          1~5 you will be killed 
          5~7 you will scared to death 
          7~10 you will feel touching ur feet at 3AM sharp 
          15 or more u are safe I will have good luck till the day u die 
          So what's it gonna be?.... 
          Your time starts..............­­..
          NOW, quick!, Hurry! U have 24 hours to send it to 15 people 
          DON'T LET ME DOWN!!!!


Hej. Przeczytałam Twój opis i mam pytanie. Jaka postać z TMNT jest Twoją ulubioną?


Jak chodzi o mutacje i wersję zombie Szreddera to uznałam,  że powstał aby traumatyzowac małe dzieci 
            A Tygrysi Pazur to mój drugi ulubiony antagonista. Pierwszy to Zeck przez mutacją 


@Selena-Shirley 1. Tygrysi Pazur to postać, za którą nie przepadam, ale jej nie nawidzę.
            2. , 3. Teraz jak to piszę to zorientowałam się, że Shreder mnie wkurza i w sumie go nie lubię, ciekawe


A ci sądzisz o 
            1. Tygrysim Pazurze
            2. Szredderze po mutacji
            3. Szredderze w wersji zombie