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Hello my lovelies, First little mini surprise; my updating schedule for Collide has changed!! (insert applause) It used to be saturdays 10am EST but now it will be every saturday and wednesday 10 am EST, starting with yesterday. I pinky promise to update i swr. Second little surprise... There is another book! I mean obviously there's another book after Collide but I mean there is another book altogether. New characters, new plots the whole shitworks. Stay tuned if you feel like finding out more, if not then i dont give a fuck its your life. (I just kidding i give so many fucks. A billion fucks. A pangea sized fuck if you will. Pls dont leave :( ) In any case, sorry for that info dump and if you somehow got to the end and are reading this then congrats, i don't know how you managed to read through my rambling without getting infinitely confused. If you just skipped to the end, then i don't blame you. Here's the condensed version. 1. i am updating every Saturday and Wednesday 10am EST for Collide (yay!) 2. there is a new book which will be released at some point in the near future but i kinda gotta figure out my schedule and how to not basically kill myself under a fountain of ideas see you later kisses xx

HYY, i love collide and im super glad another book is coming!! btw i was wondering if you could by any chance take a bit of time to read a bit of the book im writing!!