
Gente bonita:
          	Hasta el momento, tengo alrededor de 20 one-shots planeados, de cuales (al menos) cinco están basados en Checo siendo piloto de RB, incluido un especial de Navidad que ya iba por la mitad.
          	Ahora no sé qué hacer con ellos.
          	¿Les gustaría leerlos aún así o debería desecharlos inmediatamente?
          	P.D. Le quité la publicación a “Hasta pronto”, siento que le quiero agregar otros detallitos, así que luego lo vuelvo a subir.


@Okrito Gracias por responder, sis. Me voy a apurar para poder publicar el de Navidad a tiempo ;)


Publícalos por favor  me encantaría leerlo 


Gente bonita:
          Hasta el momento, tengo alrededor de 20 one-shots planeados, de cuales (al menos) cinco están basados en Checo siendo piloto de RB, incluido un especial de Navidad que ya iba por la mitad.
          Ahora no sé qué hacer con ellos.
          ¿Les gustaría leerlos aún así o debería desecharlos inmediatamente?
          P.D. Le quité la publicación a “Hasta pronto”, siento que le quiero agregar otros detallitos, así que luego lo vuelvo a subir.


@Okrito Gracias por responder, sis. Me voy a apurar para poder publicar el de Navidad a tiempo ;)


Publícalos por favor  me encantaría leerlo 


Gente, tengo tantos sentimientos, tantas emociones, que no sé ni qué decir, así que solo les voy a compartir algunas de las cositas que estuve publicando en Threads.
          Checo tuvo muchos problemas con su auto durante todo el año y nadie lo escuchó, ni siquiera su propio equipo. Dejaron que el auto siguiera así y lo responsabilizaron de todas las fallas. Dejaron que la gente, la prensa, todos, se lo comieran vivo. Incluso ellos mismos contribuyeron a la ola de odio y burlas que recibió.
          Así que sí, espero que Checo no haya quitado el dedo del renglón, que no se haya tentado el corazón y les haya exprimido hasta el último centavo a esos hijos de la #%^*€£¥+.
          Aclarado eso, mi tristeza no proviene del hecho de que Checo se vaya de Red Bull, (al contrario, qué bueno que salió de ese ambiente tan tóxico), sino del hecho de que todo esto se haya dado en este momento, cuando la parrilla para 2025 está completa.
          No puedo imaginarme cómo será ver la F1 sin Checo el próximo año. ¡Ni siquiera puedo recordar lo que era verla antes de que él llegara a la categoría!
          Sigo sin poder concebir que no lo voy a ver el próximo año. Eso es lo que me duele.
          Sin embargo, aún confío en que Checo regresará a la F1, y espero que así lo decida, porque un piloto como él, merece decir adiós con la cara en alto y siendo tratado con dignidad, como un grande, como lo que es.
          Espero que disfrute este año con su familia y que le lleguen muchas buenas ofertas de trabajo para que pronto lo podamos ver brillar en un equipo que confíe en él y sus capacidades.
          Y si por alguna razón no lo decide así… espero que Checo sepa que no le debe nada a nadie. Ha hecho cosas increíbles en su carrera y ha llenado de orgullo a todo un país, llevando nuestra bandera hasta lo más alto. Es y será siempre una leyenda del automovilismo y del deporte mexicano.
          Con Checo ayer, hoy y siempre <3


Wow, gente. Cuando subí el video promocionando mi historia, no me esperaba que iba a llegar a tantas personas. Estoy viendo sus votos, leyendo sus comentarios... y ando volada de que no me la creo jeje.
          Muchas gracias a todos por leer y bienvenidos sean los nuevos seguidores


Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leernos 


Emyi… the new story is in Spanish… can I have English trans pls


Hahaha take care Emyi till next


@Grace0632 Grace! I know! Oops! Actually, SL was the first thing I ever wrote in English, but trust me, you're not missing anything, the way those stories are written even makes me cringe a little lol.


Hello everyone! It's been a while.
          How are you doing? I really hope everyone’s doing good. 
          I’m happy to greet you again.
          I know some of you are still waiting for a certain epilogue I promised you. I’m sad to tell you that it’s not finished yet. I hope you can forgive me for the long wait.
          To be honest, I haven't written much in the last year.
          So why am I here?
          Actually, I just wanted to let you know that in the next few days/weeks I'll be posting some stories.
          They’re not new stories, they’re actually things I wrote many years ago and about characters that have nothing to do with CLOY or BinJin.
          Some of you, who have followed me for a few years, know that I used to write fanfics during my teenage years. However, those stories were forgotten and when I tried to recover them, it was no longer possible.
          Unfortunately, they were on other platforms that were removed, so my stories disappeared along with said platforms.
          Not that they were a big deal, really. It's just nonsense I wrote when I was 14-16, but they were still my babies lol.
          Fortunately, not all of them were lost. I managed to rescue a couple of them that were still published elsewhere, so I've decided to move them here.
          I just wanted to let you know because you're probably getting some notifs.
          Once again I offer my apologies and I hope I can keep my promise to you. 
          Please take care of yourselves and don't be strangers. If you have an Instagram or Threads account, please let me know so we can follow each other ;)


Thank you Emyi, still waiting but I have for faith in you, hopefully soon


@Grace0632 Grace! Hi! It's good to hear from you. Thank you so much for your support, as always. If I can be honest with you, the epilogue has been almost finished for a while. The real problem is that I wanted to write the last chapter for you from Bin's pov and post it before the epilogue, and that's what's really stopping me, but I hope I can get back to it. Take care, Grace <3


Hello, y'all.
          It's been a while since I last greeted you.
          I hope all of you are well and healthy, and that you are having a good year.
          What brings me here today is (hopefully) good news.
          A few months ago, I started to write a new binjin story and I would like to share it with you.
          I've only written the prologue and the first chapter, but I can't seem to wait to post it, so I'd like you guys to help me choose the cover for this story.
          Here is the link, you just have to choose the least odd haha.
          Thank you all and I hope to greet you soon.
          P.S. I know I still owe you guys the epilogue to Shelved Love and honestly I wasn't planning on writing it anymore, but PRN asked me for it a few days ago and I think you guys deserve it so I'll get on it as soon as I can (don't expect too much, please).


@ravenmague Thank you, Raven my friend! P.S. I NEED TO READ YOUR FINDING YOU UPDAAATES!!!!


@ earc_iiso  thank you. ..


@zhafira22 Thank you, Zhafira! I do promise I will 


Guys, is it normal the way I'm feeling?
          After the BAA everything related to CLOY is oficially over, to me it's like when the last episode of CLOY ended, I feel lost and sad. I feel like something beautiful in my life just ended and it's not coming back.
          After The Nego and CLOY, I think BinJin are not going to work together soon, they are going to look for something else, especially if they want to keep away the dating rumors and it hurts to think we won't see them together in only god knows how much time.
          If I just watch a CLOY episode or listen to the OST in this very moment I'll cry hahaha.


@Glow_wing Oh my god, I didn’t know, better be true haha 


@earc_iiso I just saw someone posting on Twitter that there could potentially be another award show. I’m hoping that is true and that CLOY will finally get the awards it deserves


@KristineJuico Awww, I loved all the BinJin material the BAA left us. I was hoping for more close interactions between them both, but it's ok, because they're very private (especially Yejin) and I undestand it's not a commun thing in SoKor.
            And one thing is clear, lovers or not, they're close and that makes me happy 