
          	I hope they are well. Yes, it's been a long time since The Heir and Becoming Mr. Right were last updated, but such is life. It gets complicated with moves, illnesses, visits from your children, taxes; in short, everything that makes it impossible to sit in front of the computer and write the long hours that each of the stories requires. I hope you can understand. I want to announce to all of you that Becoming Mr. Right will conclude soon, I cannot estimate how many chapters it has left because one thing is the outline and another is what my head is developing while I write, but it will be a amazing final with a happily ever after. And also, from next week I will start writing the new update of The Heir. Spoiler alert: The title of the chapter is  La Competencia / The Competition. 
          	Once again thanks for your patience and support


@earlybirdfanlover775 I am reading Becoming Mr. Right. What an beautiful, sexy, hot, loving story is this. you have a writer's hand and brain. I am totally in love and addicted to this story. 
          	  You write a beautiful loving love story. Hope you will have the courage and the time to write this beautiful story with a few beautiful chapters to a end? 
          	  I will wait patiently for your next chapters.
          	  I wish you a lot of strength in your personal life and hope everything will be fine.


@earlybirdfanlover775 the chapter of The Heir was very good. I am very curious what will happen next.
          	  It's my second time reading this story. I am addicted to your story The Heir. I hope you will update the story in the near future and will end with a beautiful, loving and sexy ending.


It's been a year from your update,I'm so looking forward to reading the final of becoming Me Right. Fingers crossed it will be soon along with The Heir xx


I Was Really hoping that there would be an update.    I keep coming back to this story.  I LOVE Mr Wrong and I think OZGUR and SANEM Make an exciting couple.       This story was well written and it deserves an ending.     Most wattpad writer have thier stories writen up in a ruff draft     so they know where their story is going before they start it. I know that not all can do this.    But. I just want an ending.      I wish you well in whatever life has thrown at you.  Take care. And Thank you for giving us the story BECOMING MR RIGHT


Just read this for the multiple if times, you have a phenomenal writers mind. Love every chapter and all the steamy scenes are so well written. Please, please finish this story soon as we have been waiting so long for this ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I working on it at turtles pace. It’s been very hard. And now I’m working full time. But I will try to finish it. 


His hope you are well and reading to start finishing Being Mr right story, we have been waiting a l9ng time now and can’t wait to read this. I love this story and have read this multiple times now ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️