
Guys I'm currently having trouble posting updates! I don't have wifi on my computer and it won't let me post from my phone for some reason. I'll try and figure out how to get my updates out for you all as soon as possible. Thanks so much for all your support and I'm really sorry about this x


Guys I'm currently having trouble posting updates! I don't have wifi on my computer and it won't let me post from my phone for some reason. I'll try and figure out how to get my updates out for you all as soon as possible. Thanks so much for all your support and I'm really sorry about this x


I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the support on Our Kiddo! I honestly can't thank you guys enough :) I'm currently in the process of writing a second one but I want to be pretty much finished writing it all before I start uploading on here. I'm not sure how long it will be because my inspiration comes in bursts- I either write loads for days on end or none at all for like a week. Just thought I'd share but I promise it won't be long until I start uploading! :))


Ahh so excited! Love that book so much x


Loved the our kiddo book, ur incredible at writing when will the next one come out?


I can’t waittt!!!


@Lighy1_ Aww thank you so much :)) i'm over half way through writing the second one. Not sure exactly when but soon


Hey guys so I am gonna be real honest, it is highly unlikely that I will ever finish 'I effing hate school' I have a mental block and I no longer particularly want to watch Ackley Bridge(I am still looking out for the new series but I watched the others so much i'm a bit bored of it now). What i was wondering was that if you guys would like to read a story I am writing with my own OCs in? I completely understand if that isn't something you would like so just say :)) The story probably wouldn't be out for a couple of months anyway but it would like to know in advance if that's what you guys want. I hope you all have a lovely winter break and a happy new year <3


Are you gonna make a new story you don't have to. I love your story's btw


@ILovedogs468 oh yeah thats a good one :)


@earthl1ng maybe a Sam murgatourd story ‍♀️


@ILovedogs468 thank you :) I will but im a but stuck for ideas so if you can think of some i will start writing and give you credit <3