
so i'm taking my sweetass time to update. but on a different note... i have 3 drafts up for What We Do is Secret and a bigass motherfuhking 6 chapter surprise all just waiting for me to click publish. 


It's been put to my attention that readers might want to know more about the Frank and Gerard backstory. The reason for why Frank is the way he is. Initially, the idea was to add a few flashback chapters in between, but thinking about it now, I've come to the conclusion that the story is too complex for that and therefore I've decided to dedicate a follow-up fic to the subject. 'A Temporary Stand-In for Your Face' is told mostly from Tyler's reception of Frank. He knows only what Frank reveals to him and thereby it's important that anyone who reads the story learns with Tyler and as he finds things out, so do you. A big part of the 'truth' of the story is that Frank is difficult to read and understand so his secrets can't be laid out for us when Tyler doesn't know any of it. With the followup story, a lot of the unexplained puzzle pieces can be revealed and I think it will be more fun that way. To read it and have those 'ah ha!' moments. Thoughts?


@astroz0mbies aw man, that means a lot. Thank you. 