
Sorry i haven't been updating recently, chapter 13 has been posted so go and check it out! I wont be updating as much due to going back to school but i will work on writing chapters when i have spare time :)


Sorry i haven't been updating recently, chapter 13 has been posted so go and check it out! I wont be updating as much due to going back to school but i will work on writing chapters when i have spare time :)


I got a laptop yesterday so writing will be a lot easier, expect potentially longer chapters! Also thank you all so much for reading my story, I appreciate every single one of you. Im going to try and post a chapter in the next 3 days but its really difficult to find the time to write because of school and stuff. But regardless I'm going to get one done because I haven't posted one in what seen like agesss. SEE YOU SOON :)



Go check it out!!