Hey peeps, i'm a lively girl from Australia. I love trying out new things and doing things that burst with creativity. So what better way to be creative than writing. I hope to entertain people through my stories and CoNnEcT with people so we're all having fun and living life with joy. :)

Now that my aspirations are on exhibition i suppose it would be apt for everyone to know my name. So welcome people my name is Alex :)
Things about me:
- Absolute chronic reader
- Obsesseddd with movies (i've literally watched everything i could think of in American moveis/shows , serbian, Japanese and even Korean movies/shows)
- Looovee music any kind whether it be R &B, Hip hop or even classical (i'm just random like that ;)
- I love all kinds of art like patterns, sculptures, even manga, manhua, manhwa :3
- Love scaring/Pranking people
- Love swimming to death, and going to the beach, it's like heaven for me (makes my worries and stresses flow away) #favenimalsaredogsandtigersss
I can honestly say my favourite things to do are lazing in bed, eating chocolate, sleeping and snuggling up in bed (especially in winter)

If i was to sum myself up 5 words it would be: Joker, Understanding, Stubborn, Sassy & Awesome - JUSSA (mwahaha see what i did there made my own acronym ^_^)

Things i'm bad at:
- Procrastinate a lot
- Having a friendly face #restingassholeface (probs y peep stare at me a lot)
- Indecisive AF when it comes to big decisions (hence y i'm not at UNI even though i graduated high school last year)
- Figuring out what to do with my life

Things i hate:
- Spiders//////////
- Rude people
- Customers

'Dammit i love him' is my first story that i published on wattpad so plz be kind to me humans :)

*Follow and i'll follow back* :D xoxo

Anywho people feel free to PM me on wattpad or even on my email : echoface14@gmail.com
Love helping and i don't bite, so feel free :D

Peace out people xxx
  • Poseidon's Realm
  • Дата регистрацииMarch 10, 2014

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echoface echoface Dec 22, 2024 03:57PM
UPDATE ALERT! Chapter 17 for The Russian Billionaire’s Fiesty Serb is up! Enjoy :)
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