@HeatherGraceStewart thanks for the follow back!

Revised version of Chapter 1 of B&I is up! And it comes with an additional 1800 words, hopefully setting the characters up a bit better

Only took 2 years to get Chapter 40 of Blood and Ivy up. Its been so long I had to reread the entire book to date to reacquaint myself with it. With my reread I have so much I want to rewrite but while I work on revisions I plan to finish the main storyline as well. I recently binge read a bunch of new fantasy novels and am very inspired again!

@ecleur I'm sorry for taking so long to get back to you! I've been on a bit of an unintentional wattpad break (still in the mires of writers block ahaha). That's awesome! I'm really happy to check out the new chapter 1 when I have time! :D How many more chapters do you think you'll have of B&I before it's finished? Ahh okay, I remember them saying you could only submit stories once nowadays. The ambys are a lot more accessible and fun than the wattys honestly! I think they're also pushing the 8 chapter challenge now too? I don't know if that would work for you? Ahaha thanks, they all need a *lot* of work! Thanks, I'll bear that in mind! I'm currently in the third act, but I'm gonna have to do a second draft to tighten everything up before I want to share it, it's currently a bit of a mess. Hopefully I can post it sometime this summer. I'm very over it being in my intray! XD

@amaryll28 I have uploaded the revised first chapter and added a lot to hopefully set up the background a bit more! The original chapter started already in the library, so this new one adds quite a bit more. Let me known if its too slow or too much! You've always had great feedback :) Yeah, B&I qualifies for the Wattys but probably the last year it would, so I need to get a move on haha I'll have to check out the Ambys, thanks for the info! Hahaha well I'm excited to see what's been lurking in the drawers! Let me known if you ever need a beta reader :) That's a good timeline for yourself, how much more are you thinking you need before calling it done?

@ecleur Awesome! I'll be sure to check them out when I have the time, it's been so long I definitely need a refresh!! Do let me know when you've posted them! I'm sure you've seen but the wattys info is available now! Also I forgot to mention but if the Ambys are running this year then you might want to enter those too if B&I is finished by then! They're amb run and focus on picking winners from all genres – I've generally found it a cool experience! The ambs recently underwent a big restructure though so I'm not sure how things are gonna be this year. I'm mostly working on stuff offline at the moment ahaha. I'm getting there with the next Nowhere is Final story (I ran into a load of writers block oops) and I've been working on some terrible first novel drafts that aren't fit to leave the drawers they're currently living in. But I'm hoping to get that NiF story done this side of Christmas at least :D

Hi guys, I had a bit of a hiatus over August but will continue to be updating Blood and Ivy soon. And good news! B&I is being featured on Wattpad's StoriesUndiscovered account for September. And it is still on Fantasy's Dark Fantasy reading list!

Thank you so much for the follow back! Your support on my books means so much!

@nobleroyalqueen2 hey no problem! I actually followed you before but my app glitched and accidentally unfollowed you today :(

Lots of updates this week! Chapter 39 is up and word count is over 45k. Almost novel length

Chapter 38 is up, was a fun one to write! I've been really getting into flushing the lore out.

Chapter 35 is posted, getting back into some fun plot lines

Chapter 34 is up!