
Hey everyone, and Happy New Years! I know I dropped off for a while but I unfortunately have to share I'm taking down Deviance temporarily. While I am sad to come back after all this time and announce that, the good news is I've been working to pursue writing for professionally. I will make sure to update my profile here if this all ends ups working out but I am so grateful for everyone who has supported my work. While Wattpad is VERY different from when I first joined, I'm forever thankful for having this site as my first writing outlet. The only thing I can ask for is your patience as I figure out this journey. Thank you to this community again and hope to talk to you all soon <3


@eclipsc queen I love deviance SO FREAKING MUCHHHHH can u like give it to us in a google drive or a burner account pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee ill pay im dying rn


Nooo my shaylaaasss 


@eclipsc Yessss, you are amazing! You are so becoming a professional writer if you want to, I just know it. I hope we can have your work back up soon, and if not soon just know you can count on your audience regardless 


That was so unnecessary thing to do. So many people LOVE it and my only comfort and my EVER favourite book vanished just like that. I’ve read Deviance multiple times and today I went back on Wattpad after a long long time to read my dearest favourite book and it was gone. I don’t think I can actually function normaly without it. Im really hurt and my spark is truly gone. I hope you are doing good though and I wish you all the best but please, please give us Deviance back .I really need it. 


the only reason I had this app was deviance 


@musicanndfood frr now I don't want to delete it because I don't want to miss it if she publishes it as a physical book 


Fr and I'm literally scrolling through my library looking for it


@musicanndfood seriously I was searching crazy for deviance i didn't understand how it just disappeared from my library I'm going crazy i want to read it sooo bad