I do not have my phone turned on yet am using a friend's hotspot and am just here to update my status so read up (you see what I did there Listen up read up any way) am going to change my face page picture to me in a mask but wean I reach 15 follower I will post a picture of me myself and I no mask no face pant so ya and am done with this update so see y'all
Hi everypony am half way throw my next chapter to my OC story but I want be able to post it intel I pay my phone bill so my phone will get cut of tonight at 12:30 and my phone so have a good time and the next part will be up wean I get my phone on see y'all and stay cool
Hi everybody am sorry for the long time no update am now starting to tip chapter three to my OC's story and for the picture of that chapter will be a picture of my OC eclipse wayvern a bat pony
So see y'all later a stay 20% cooler