I've been hard at work on a bunch of short stories that should be out in various anthologies in the fall, as well as, uh... Playing Nintendo :) But! I also have some great SOS news, one thing I can announce now, and another thing will I can announce soon. First up: A collection of SOS stories is coming out next week (May 15) at Barnes & Noble. It's called 1985: Stories from SOS, and it features my two stories from Wattpad, "SOS" and "DoubleThink", plus a brand-new novella about Max's parents--as teenagers, in 1985 New York City! Yes, you can read them here for free, but the paperback collection isn't too expensive (even cheaper online), so if you've enjoyed my stories I hope you'll consider picking it up or recommending it to your friends who don't know what the Wattpad is.
If you're in the Philadelphia or NYC areas, I also have a couple of readings and signings coming up: You can check my website, ecmyers.net, for details.