
Hi everyone, I'm really working hard on publishing the next chapter but I'm having a bit of trouble. It's like I'll write a word and then just stare at it for like five minutes, then realize I've been spacing out, write another word, and repeat. But I'm almost there so hang in there! Have a great Halloween or whatever you celebrate!


Hi everyone, I'm really working hard on publishing the next chapter but I'm having a bit of trouble. It's like I'll write a word and then just stare at it for like five minutes, then realize I've been spacing out, write another word, and repeat. But I'm almost there so hang in there! Have a great Halloween or whatever you celebrate!


Hi, I just wanted to apologize for the short chapter, I'm having a writers block, and I'm leaving to go to Malibu with Enoxki, Juliet, and some other friends. I probably won't update there because I just want to chill, no worrying about my gecko, or cat, or covid 19. We all took the test before going so don't worry. Anyway, I'll probably update when I get back which will be around two weeks. Please, I want to hear suggestions, feedback, and I especially want a decent cover. Talk to you in two weeks!


this message may be offensive
I feel like a lump again and am considering deleting insane fits, not gonna do that though thanks to julliette_aliveness who is good at making me NOT lose my shit :) 
          But julliette_aliveness please look at your comment stream.


          ROBLOX USERS
          xXqueenhuskyXx and dramaqweencourt
          started going off about how bad BTS was.
          They said they were ugly, and they didn't stop there.
          They said they didn't deserve their fans, and then they said that the whole BTS ARMY is stupid, dumb, and toxic.
          Please stand up to them.
          Spread this message, and I'm serious.