
I consistently have to explain myself when Spotify wrapped comes out every year that I listen to the Attack on Titan soundtracks when I write and I'm not just causally listening to battle music and emotional orchestrals during my day to day life. 
          	Anyway, I was top 0.5% of listeners for Hiroyuki Sawano lmao 


I consistently have to explain myself when Spotify wrapped comes out every year that I listen to the Attack on Titan soundtracks when I write and I'm not just causally listening to battle music and emotional orchestrals during my day to day life. 
          Anyway, I was top 0.5% of listeners for Hiroyuki Sawano lmao 


The Katchen story is.pure.perfection. I don’t usually comment but I have to praise you for your writing. I hope you will update soon cuz I’m kinda empty rn without this story <3


@ecstasy_of_silver you honestly deserve more praise!! Like pls never stop pursuing this career cuz you are so talented :))


@Shrek1st WOW that's such a nice thing to say, thank you so much!! That really made my day, I'm so glad you liked it! 


We reached 10k reads on Surviving Soldier! Thanks for all the comments and votes, it's been such a good experience so far! I feel like I should do something to celebrate. Would anyone be interested in a contest where I draw a name at random and (attempt to) make that reader's OC in Unreal Engine? I should probably be utilizing my degree more anyway lol 


I'm back with my rewrites of Surviving Soldier, so I know I haven't added a new chapter in a while but I am updating it regularly. I'm super proud of chapter eight; I've been struggling to write such an important moment in a way didn't feel hollow and uninteresting, but I think I got it this time!


I have made mistakes. 
          I did it. I read the manga all the way through and read the last chapter. I knew I would be emotional, but I've been a goddamn basket case all day. I started CRYING during my post mortem presentation with Rockstar because I was talking about my thesis and how finishing it and entering the industry signals a new chapter in my life. Ending Attack on Titan two hours beforehand was a MISTAKE! I started writing Surviving Solider the first month I started college because I was having such a hard time adjusting and it was just too many emotions!!
          I'm so embarrassed. 
          I'm going to go crawl in a hole and die. 
          (That being said, y'all are not READY for what I'm about to do with Surviving Solider. Get hyped! I've still got a ton of content to go through before we reach the end of season 4 part 1 so I'm still making sure there are no manga spoilers because I have class.) 


I got the ending of attack on titan spoiled for me by one of y'all who posted it in the FIRST LINE of an announcement. I'm furious. 
          But also, the stress of not knowing what was going to happen to Levi for nearly two years probably wouldn't have been good for my heart. 


@ecstasy_of_silver I kept accidentally reading AOT S4 spoilers through announcements on Wattpad as well. I changed something in the settings menu, announcements are now shown 'grouped together' for me. This basically means I still see notifications of book updates, new followers, replies to my comments etc, but when it comes to announcements it says "You have (number) new announcements." If I tap (or click) on that message, I can see each announcement individually. (Well, the first part of it, not the entire announcement.) I just checked to see if I could find that option, but I'm either overlooking it or Wattpad has changed it... I'm unable to find it atm, I don't see it in the app nor do I see it if I access my account via my laptop.
            Atm I'm very hesitant to tap on it, though, since part 2 of season 4 only just started airing. I kinda already know what's going to happen, including the way it'll end, but maybe I'm hoping there still are some things that I don't know are going to happen.


@murderchai I was planning to read the manga after the anime ends so I still have a ton of AoT content to consume until I inevitably run out and need to find something else to live for, (lol) but now I might do that as well. 


I couldn’t handle all the spoilers so I just bit the bullet and finished the manga today 


I've been going back and editing/rewriting the first chapters of Surviving Soldier because I was super rusty and inexperienced when I wrote them. Eight and Nine especially, since those were such pivotal moments to their relationship and just seemed really weak and out of character. Let me know what you think if you go back and read them (or are reading them for the first time!)