
Hi all, a few updates regarding Dream Cycle:
          	- My release schedule is terrible I'm well aware, and apart from releasing a chapter consecutively these last two Sundays, my plan is still to publish biweekly
          	- I've changed the rating to mature. While not the most graphic thing out there, the maturity of the content is naturally increasing as the story progresses. I originally was going to try and keep this relatively teen friendly at first, but alas
          	- I have the next few story arcs outlined, and I'm excited to say we'll be revisiting Sir Hugh and some of the other earlier characters


Hi all, a few updates regarding Dream Cycle:
          - My release schedule is terrible I'm well aware, and apart from releasing a chapter consecutively these last two Sundays, my plan is still to publish biweekly
          - I've changed the rating to mature. While not the most graphic thing out there, the maturity of the content is naturally increasing as the story progresses. I originally was going to try and keep this relatively teen friendly at first, but alas
          - I have the next few story arcs outlined, and I'm excited to say we'll be revisiting Sir Hugh and some of the other earlier characters


Hey thank you for Following, if you ever get a chance I released my first novel recently (Violet Eclipse), I'm currently looking for feedback on this first arc and hope that you and I can become friends as I continue to familiarize myself with this landscape.
          Adversely if you have anything to direct me too as far as your own work I'd be happy to take a look.
          have an awesome day!


Hi all, in addition to Dream Cycle resuming, I'll also be restarting The Stranger & Other Stories this evening. This will be biweekly. A few things though: Unlike when I was publishing it last October, it won't be a Halloween special anymore, instead just a random selection of horror/fantasy/thriller stories. Also, the amount will no longer be six stories, but a larger count I'm not fully decided on. Cheers and hope the new year has been going well for all of you.


Hi all, been gone for quite a while, but I will be releasing Chapter 10 of Dream Cycle, Thieves Part 3, which will be the penultimate chapter in the Thieves arc this coming Sunday evening. After this, chapters will be released biweekly every Sunday evening. Hope you all had a great holiday season and Happy New Year  


Hi all, apologies for not posting Dream Cycle the last couple Fridays, or The Stranger & Other Stories as well. Life continues to grow more hectic, and I think I'm going to start posting stories biweekly as opposed to weekly. Expect chapter 10 of Dream Cycle this coming Friday, and a new chapter of The Stranger & Other Stories has just been published. Cheers & hope you all are having a happy (and spooky) Halloween.


Hi all, I'm excited to have resumed Dream Cycle, but have some other news to share as well. This Saturday, tomorrow September 28th, I'll be releasing a horror short story under my new book title "The Stranger & Other Stories" every Saturday evening for Halloween until October 26th. I've been wanting to do something like this for a while now, and really like these stories and hopefully you guys do as well. Cheers and have a wicked Halloween season.