
Rest in peace Helen McCrory 


Another message! I’ve fully unpublished my book out of fear of it getting deleted! I’m looking for a new platform to post it on so don’t worry! To all the amazing people who still read this don’t worry!


Definitely thank you! I’m definitely going to keep writing I might just save to drafts until ppl stop being immature, there’s warnings and everything to warn you like if you don’t want to read it, don’t read it  this community has to stick together ♥️♥️


girl, please please pleaseee do not stop writing on wattpad because of in fear of ur books being taken down. i know it’s a horrible thought of it happening, yes! that’s totally understandable but i will never let these silly immature readers who clearly can not read descriptions or take any warnings of mature content! if u love writing here then u keep on writing here. just don’t move platforms, maybe take a break and see how things are if ur paranoid or anything but please don’t let these reporters stop u :)


Hey guys! I just wanted to hop on here and just say something that’s been on my chest for a while, 
          Recently in the HP fandom it has just been really toxic and horrible things are happening/being said to POC/ Jewish/ LGBTQ+ creators and it is horrible, I do not support JKR or any of the actors who support her, I just wanted to say if you are transphobic, homophobic or just rude to any group of people based on how they represent themselves, identify as or the colour of their skin, religion etc. Please unfollow me or don’t read my books because it isn’t fair at all to these creators and I’m disgusted with the toxic energy in the fandom rn. I love each and everyone of my readers/ HP lovers out there but those who are doing toxic/hating things to these creators makes me sick, so please unfollow if you are one of them,
          Use the comments down below as a boost only if you guys want, help boost poc, lgbtq+, Jewish, and even more creators who are not getting recognized on tiktok or wattpad to help show our support. 
          I know I don’t post about this stuff but I think its really important to show love to the amazing poc, lgbtq+, Jewish and more creators in the fandom. The community has just become really toxic so let’s help each-other out and show love not hate <3