; you are not a clown. you are the entire circus
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/⠀⠀hc that even after the DL-6 incident is solved ,, elevators & earthquakes are still a big no - no for miles. he'll try to avoid using elevators as much as he possibly can , even if there's someone riding it with him ( one time he sprained his ankle but INSISTED on using the courtroom stairs. gumshoe had to carry him. ) also — when it comes to EARTHQUAKES , even the / SLIGHTEST / tremor can cause him to lock up ( ++ during an earthquake is one of the few times you're likely to see him vulnerable )
; you are not a clown. you are the entire circus
you smell , therefore , you are stinky !
;; here's THE BABY
/ . ୬۟ watch me bring back my PW;AA oc
**randomly plays the Steel Samurai's opening theme** >:v Now show your true colours Mr. Edgeworth Show it-
how does one , without explicitly saying it , say that they like someone — asking for a friend.
* he racks his brain for the remainder of miles’s questioning ( despite the clear confusion shinning within those ocean orbs ) , his eyes narrowing together at the others repeation of his words — not understanding what could be so / hard / in understanding him. perhaps he had to be more direct ? more approachable with how he complimented him ? or , maybe ,, he had done goofed. just. straight up , fucked up his budding friendship with the grey haired male. yeah .. that last one seemed more likely. * heh ,, if i’m gonna be honest with you , miles ? ` m not sure ,, i just. saw you. y’know ? & i had to ask someone for advice & , uh .. / there you were. / & at that point i couldn’t help but compliment you. plus , no. no .. this is not some elaborate prank or dare set up by one of my colleagues — ! though ,, maya has been bombarding me about me — well. that’s not important ! * it’s just like him to mess up THIS BADLY , huh ? like he did with most things ? * anywho ,, h - how’s your day been ? everything good ? everything great ? that’s nice —
෴ .⠀ @phoenixright ⠀ ▏⠀' & you mean it ? * miles repeated the words as if they were in some foreign language ,, gaze narrowed & confusion filtering onto colored features. was he really standing in the hallway of this courthouse , listening to a defense attorney tell him that he thought he was / cute ? / & that it wasn't a / joke ? / * i .. i — * all miles was here for was to give advice on how to confess feelings. now he was matching his suit in color , & he was more confused than an unprepared attorney during a trial * thank you .. wright ? i .. what brought this on all of a sudden ? was this .. a dare of some sorts from miss fey ? there's no way you'd willingly tell me this.
uh - huh , sure .. whatever you say. though , can you really call grimaces & pompous smirks to be ‘ expressing yourself ’ ? i think that’s more so your filter for when you’re on trial , but .. whatever floats your boat , edgester. * he takes a moment to consider how he got here. in this moment. telling miles that he was / cute. / the day seemed so / normal / when he thought about it , really — a five am struggle to get out of bed , a brief breakfast , a bike ride with trucy down to the courthouse , & then a five hour long segment of trials that seemed to never end ! what could’ve possibly mucked up his evening to the point that he was here , practically confessing to a / prosecution attorney / that he was , in fact , cute ? ? * oh , i mean them , alright. as much as i’d / love / to say this is a joke ,, it isn’t. you’re genuinely a good looking person — plus , a pretty decent personality under all that edge. you’re .. cute.
/⠀⠀hc that even after the DL-6 incident is solved ,, elevators & earthquakes are still a big no - no for miles. he'll try to avoid using elevators as much as he possibly can , even if there's someone riding it with him ( one time he sprained his ankle but INSISTED on using the courtroom stairs. gumshoe had to carry him. ) also — when it comes to EARTHQUAKES , even the / SLIGHTEST / tremor can cause him to lock up ( ++ during an earthquake is one of the few times you're likely to see him vulnerable )
you’re — i swear i’ve seen you before ! you’re a prosecutor right ?
෴ .⠀ @broodinglaw ⠀ ▏⠀' & have you ever had jury duty ? that would explain a lot — however , the name is edgeworth. miles edgeworth.
name , now .
෴ .⠀ @youthkillings ⠀ ▏⠀' & edgeworth — miles edgeworth. is that a name of significance ?
‘ i heard you lost another case , edgeworth . ’
෴ .⠀ @phoenixrights ⠀ ▏⠀' & ʻ you probably don't know this , but let met tell you this , defense attorney. losing isn't acceptable by any means. & do you think i need your sympathy ? i don't. so i don't want you to make up or / anything. / ʼ
‘ of course not ! it’s okay to lose cases , edgeworth . but let / me / make up for it . i promise it’ll be a / great / time . but only if you allow me to make it a great time . ’
෴ .⠀ @phoenixrights ⠀ ▏⠀' & ʻ excuse me ? you must have fewer brain cells than i previously thought if you have the urge to speak to me on such a matter. ʼ
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