" didn't expect me, huh? you forgot your jacket back at my place. "

⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀ ──── ( @literatvres ) 〝 i just don't want to seem rude. you did return my jacket after all. it's the least i can do to repay your kindness " kaoru reasoned, a soft poke being placed upon inho's cheek. he soon after made his way to the kitchen, looking through the fridge to see what ingredients they had that could be used〝 and i don't think i could've been more direct than that. also let me know what you're in the mood for "

the glass of water is taken⸺ and inho merely takes a short sip, eventually placing the glass upon the coffee table.⠀ " look at you, even wanting me to overstay for dinner.. then saying you don't want to keep me here for too long- "⠀ inho’s flattered, really. that means kaoru enjoys his company despite how much of a tease he could be.⠀ " sure, why not? haha, you really need to be direct with what you want. "

⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀ ──── ( @literatvres ) 〝 if you don't have anywhere else to be, it would make nice company if you stayed over. maybe even for dinner perhaps﹖ " kaoru offered with a smile as he handed the glass to inho〝 but if you have somewhere to be, i wouldn't want to keep you for too long "