
wattpad is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          	i love it!!!!!!!!!!


okey dokey. here's alist of all the stories i've read. teaching in an all boys school, sold to the boss, the hooded figure, the betrayal of the guardians, my eight elder brothers, the rest i've forgotten



Hey ednisdelakula~~Thanx for  adding "MyFirst Christmas in Hell" to your lists. And because you are new to my work, and such a sweetie, I'm sending you a short story of mine to save for those times you're home alone . . . and feeling. . . well you know. . . a little naughty :)
          Warning: There's some mature content in Part 4--but not anything you probably haven't already . . . thought about . . . or do yourself sometimes in those solitary moments :) 
          Enjoy my reads. 