@narryontop I am totally cool with that I was upset seeing it gone but if you feel it would've just been s drag I agree and seeing that major milestone really is the big thing I wanted to see bc I just want to see how they cross the barrier will you tell us when you post it or where you will post it?
@fivewierdboys It was definitely feeling like a drag out. I think The Water Boy doesn't need a sequel because there was a strong enough message in the story. I'm proud of it and should leave it be (Well, and edit all my errors haha) I don't know when I'm posting the one shot yet.
@narryontop I am totally cool with that I was upset seeing it gone but if you feel it would've just been s drag I agree and seeing that major milestone really is the big thing I wanted to see bc I just want to see how they cross the barrier will you tell us when you post it or where you will post it?
@fivewierdboys It was definitely feeling like a drag out. I think The Water Boy doesn't need a sequel because there was a strong enough message in the story. I'm proud of it and should leave it be (Well, and edit all my errors haha) I don't know when I'm posting the one shot yet.