
Happy New Year's everyone! Let's make 2020 our year! <3


New chapter of Is It Bad to Want Something More? is up! So sorry it took me so long to update. Just when I think I get a handle on life it decides to show me how wrong I was. Anyway, hope you all enjoy the new chapter! I spiced it up a bit as promised! Hoping it doesn't take me as long to update again but no promise at this point so thanks for just being patient with me! Appreciate you all!!!!!


@edsasukeluva just glad your back


Thank you!!!!! 


Moving freaking sucks! (I do love having my own place again though) It seems like everywhere I look there are boxes. And I can't unpack some of the stuff until I paint because I'll be damned if I have to move it again to get to the wall....
          Anyway, It's been two and a half weeks now since I got all my stuff moved to my new home! Seriously, it's been like five and a half years since I was able to live by myself. Super refreshing. Internet and cable are set up now too which is nice. Work has settled down now that Legislative session is over so I hope to be able to sit down and get back to writing! 
          Thank you for all the new followers and for those of you who have still be patiently waiting on me! I really appreciate it! Adulting is freaking hard but I feel like I've been crushing it lately!! 


@edsasukeluva I noticed your bday was last month and this is your most recent post I wanted to wish you happy belated birthday since it’s so close to mine. Mine is the 13th #Gemini ♊️ 
            Congrats on your new place and new beginnings ❤️ 
            Anyways yes being an adult is hard and life in general is unpredictable but I love how you always come back idc if you've been for months or years you alway come back and me and others will always be here waiting for your return.  


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So I have been a little distracted here lately. I made an offer to buy my very first home and today my offer was accepted! Woo for adulting! This shit is hard. Lol. Anyway, now I have a ton of hoops to jump through and papers to sign and then I have to move and shit. All of this should be done by late June (I get to complete everything the day after my birthday so yay to a birthday present to myself). June 11th is my b-day for anyone who is curious or cares. 
          I'm still going to be working in updates to the drabble series I've started posted and I'll try to get the next chapter of 'Is It Bad To Want Something More?' out this month. Fingers crossed on that one! Also, you've all been asking for some more smut in that story and I shall sprinkle some more in for ya dirty little heathens, mark my word! <3


@edsasukeluva Thank you! 
            Paperwork was a complete nightmare haha! But it'll be worth it in the end! I'm so very excited for you! Hope everything goes well! The shutdown messed us up, we were set to close in January but didn't get to until Feb.


@AngelOfDarkness7o Congrats on your home purchase!!! As well as your wedding! 
            Thanks! <3 There's been so much paperwork I don't feel like I have my head on straight but I am excited as time goes on! If all works out I will take possession on mine the end of next month!


@edsasukeluva I understand the house buying process! I just bought my first one as well back in March... Just about 5 months after my wedding! It's a long process but SO worth it! Good luck!


I reread “Is it bad to want something more” completely in anticipation for the next chapter! I hope you update soon! It’s definitely my favorite fanfic.


@edsasukeluva either way, I can’t wait!! You’re doing great!


@notoriousGIB I've had an ending in mind for quite some time now actually. Who knows whether it actually goes that direction as I keep writing. Lol. 


Awesome!! I can’t wait! Also I’m just curious, do you have like an ending planned out or are you just going with it? I truly never want it to end lmao but all good things come to an end!


I'm back from the dead (sort of)! 
          As cliche as it sounds this is a new year and hence a new me. I've been lurking on this site for awhile, not able to let it go despite my motivation to write anything ebbing from me. Frankly, these past few years have been a tad rough. To keep a long story short, I had to put down my dog, then had a bunch of family drama, work drama, and I went into a sort of depression. My emotions directly influence my writing and I just couldn't seem to get the words to flow how I wanted if at all. But now, I'm finally in a job I love (although I will be super busy with work come the next six months for the legislative session) and have cut out all negativity from my life and am starting to actually feel like my old self again. 
          I want to thank everyone who has been still reading, commenting, and voting on my work! I get notifications of every vote and comment and I read through all of them. 
          I hope to get to posting on a more regular basis and finish the stories I have out there and potentially even start a few new ones. But for now I will focus at the task ahead and take it one chapter at a time. 
          I hope you all have a wonderful year and if you're having any struggles just know with time things will get better. Hold you head up high and stay true to yourself. YOU'VE GOT THIS!!!!


@MissesX6 Thank you! It's good to be back. 


@edsasukeluva always knew you was coming back welcome back


@missxlovely It feels good to be back. Self care is definitely important and I am a big proponent for it!!! Thank you so much for the support!!! 